Instructional Unit 2: Task 4.2


Jonas gave a good introduction of himself in the first paragraph which is what is usually expected for this type of email, hence providing him a concrete introduction of himself. He managed to state his educational background, work experiences, and was concise in stating the relevant educational background Subsequently, he gave a good explanation of his reason for joining SIT, which was clear enough for the reader to understand how clear Jonas's intentions were. Intellectual Integrity is evident as Jonas acknowledges his weakness, and explained thoroughly how impactful this program can aid in his future working experiences by listing down his weaknesses, hence showing how much he considered this program to improve on his weaknesses and wants to take action on what he is lacking in order to perform better in his future work experiences. 


Given an in-depth explanation of why Jonas wanted this program, his language was not consistent. Examples such as "My long term one..", "Communication. And practice what.." are certain grammatical errors that Jonas can avoid to ensure a proper flow of what he intends to convey to the reader and allows the reader to understand clearly upon reading.


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